Picture of a mother holding her baby lovingly

Spanish Mother’s Day Poems

Shorter phrases, and longer poems,
for that unique and wonderful person in your life. And, at the end of this page, you’ll also find links to Spanish poems suitable for other occasions …

Is your mother Spanish-speaking?

Then tell her just how much you love and appreciate her with one of these Spanish poems for mothers.

They’re ideal for using in a Mother’s Day card … but why wait for Mother’s Day?

Your mother doesn’t wait for a certain day to help you, love you, and stand by your side …

So, why wait for a special day to let her know how much you appreciate her?

Make a regular practise of telling her you love her, helped by one of the verses below. We’ll start with shorter Spanish phrases, along with an English translation, and follow with longer Spanish poems for Mothers …

spanish mothers day poems – short phrases

Let’s start with a few simple Spanish phrases, suitable for saying or writing to your mother …

¡Gracias, Mamá!

Thank You, Mom!

¡Te Amo Mamá!

I Love You, Mom!

Gracias por compartir todas mis alegrías, y por ayudarme en mis tristezas.

Thank you for sharing all my joys, and for helping me in my sadness.

Gracias por escucharme y aconsejarme.

Thank you for listening to me and advising me.

Eres mi amiga incondicional … ¡Gracias!

You’re my unconditional friend … Thank you! 

Junto a ti aprendí el significado de la palabra más hermosa del mundo: AMOR.

By your side I learnt the meaning of the most beautiful word in the world: LOVE.

M = Maternidad (Motherhood)
A = Amor (Love)
D = Dedicación (Dedication)
R = Reina de la Familia (Queen of the Family)
E = Porque eres ESPECIAL (Because you’re SPECIAL)

spanish mothers day poems – Mamá

And now for some longer Spanish poems …

With the following Spanish poem, you can thank your Mother for being in your life during all its joys and sorrows, for always being your friend, and for filling your life with happiness …

Quiero agradecerte
Que estés en mi vida.

Sé que puedo contar contigo
En momentos difíciles.
Sé que contigo puedo
Compartir mis alegrías,
Y sé que nuestra amistad
Se sustenta en mutuo amor.

Que seas mi MAMA y mi AMIGA
Es el más preciado tesoro,
Que agradeceré a DIOS eternamente.

Gracias por llenar mi vida Con tanta felicidad.
¡Te Amo Mamá!

spanish poems for mothers – Poema A Mi Madre

In this short Spanish poem, Israel Díaz Maqueira tells his mother she’s the most beautiful flower in his garden …

Madre, eres la flor
Que ha nacido en mi jardín,
Más hermosa que un jazmín,
Por tu maravilloso color.

Te recuerdo con amor,
Porque para mi has sido,
Del mundo lo mas querido
De mi vida, la mas hermosa.

La más bella de las rosas
de mi jardín florecido.

spanish mothers day poems – A Mi Mamá

Cecilia Campos composed this poem for Mother’s Day and it’s especially suited for young children to give to their mothers …

Mamita querida
De mi corazón
Yo te quiero mucho
Con todo mi amor.

Por eso te traigo flores,
Por eso te canto yo,
Por eso te traigo flores,
Con gran emoción.

Mamita querida,
Aunque soy chiquito/a,
Mi amor es grande,
Más grande que el sol.

Por eso te traigo flores,
Por eso te canto yo,
Por eso te traigo flores,
Con gran emoción.

Did these poems Spanish mothers day poems make her day?… Hope so!

“You’ll find more Spanish poems at the links below …”


Check out the following pages for Spanish poems and verses suitable for all occasions:

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